Category: dental implant

You Should Brush and Floss Around Your Implant to Ensure its Longevity

With a 95%-plus success rate, dental implants are an effective and durable replacement for lost teeth. But we can’t place them and forget them: if you don’t clean and maintain them they could fail as a result of disease. The inorganic materials that make up the implant aren’t in danger of infection. But the living gums and bone that surround and support the implant are at risk. In fact, there’s a particular periodontal (gum) disease […]

Dental Implants Could be Your Best Option to Replace Lost Teeth

An estimated 35 million people in the United States are missing all of their teeth on at least one jaw. Your situation may not be as serious — perhaps you’ve only lost one tooth. But even one missing tooth could eventually impact the health of underlying bone or other teeth — and it can certainly mar an otherwise attractive smile. Depending on other health factors, you could be an ideal candidate for a dental implant […]

Smoking Increases Your Risk for Dental Implant Failure

There are definite links between smoking tobacco and several major health problems. While we’re all familiar with its relationship to cancer or heart disease, smoking can also adversely affect your dental health, particularly the long-term survival of dental implants. Smoking can affect your mouth in two ways: first, the inhaled smoke can slowly “cook” gum tissue to form a thickened top layer of cells and damage salivary glands, which reduces saliva flow causing mouth dryness. […]

Look at the Long-Term Costs When Considering Dental Implants

You’ve probably heard a lot of great things about dental implants as a replacement for missing teeth. But there’s one aspect about implants that may cause you hesitation about choosing them: the cost. If you have multiple teeth to be replaced, the expense of implants may seem even further beyond your means. But before you decide against what’s widely considered the premier tooth replacement option, it would be beneficial for you to look at their […]

The Many Advantages of Dental Implants

Dental implants have become the standard for long-term tooth replacement. From mechanics to movie stars, people from all walks of life have discovered the advantages of replacing a missing tooth with an implant. Obviously, restoring your smile is a definite advantage, but an implant can also help to maintain the health of your jawbone and adjacent teeth. The implant is a small, screw-like titanium post that is placed into your jawbone to function as the […]

Major Benefits for Tooth Replacement With Dental Implants

Perhaps you’ve heard a lot about dental implants, an increasingly popular tooth replacement system. Although they can be expensive (depending on the exact application) they have a number of important benefits that add value to your investment. Here are four of those benefits that make dental implants one of the best tooth replacement options available: Life-like Appearance. Like an automobile, an implant’s “engine” — the titanium post inserted into the jawbone — is covered by […]

For Michael Buble, the Show Must Go On… Even Without the Tooth

What happens if you’re right in the middle of a song, in front of an arena full of fans… and you knock out a tooth with your microphone? If you’re Michael Buble, you don’t stop the show — you just keep right on singing. The Canadian song stylist was recently performing at the Allphones Arena in Sydney, Australia, when an ill-timed encounter with the mike resulted in the loss of one of his teeth. But […]

It Can Pay to Spend on Dental Implants

If you’re missing a tooth, you’re not alone; in fact 35 million Americans are missing all of their teeth in at least one jaw! Whether it’s one tooth or many, it’s important to replace what’s missing. Depending on the number of teeth lost, the potential drawbacks to doing nothing may become hard to ignore: impediments to eating, interference with speech, and unaesthetic appearance, for example. Traditional bridges and dentures are the most affordable options for […]

Dental Implant Maintenance: 5 Facts You Should Know

If you’ve recently had a dental implant placed, congratulations! You have made a good investment in your smile that should last for a lifetime — if you take proper care of it. This is easy to do with a good oral hygiene routine and regular professional cleanings. Here are some important things to keep in mind about implant care: Implants can last as long as teeth. A dental implant made of titanium will fuse to […]
