Category: oral hygiene

You Should Brush and Floss Around Your Implant to Ensure its Longevity

With a 95%-plus success rate, dental implants are an effective and durable replacement for lost teeth. But we can’t place them and forget them: if you don’t clean and maintain them they could fail as a result of disease. The inorganic materials that make up the implant aren’t in danger of infection. But the living gums and bone that surround and support the implant are at risk. In fact, there’s a particular periodontal (gum) disease […]

4 Tips for Extending the Life of Your Oral Appliance

There are many different removable appliances — from dentures to retainers — that help people enjoy better mouth function and a more attractive smile. But like many things we use, they can wear out. Because they’re also spending a lot of time in the mouth they can become an attractive home for disease-causing bacteria. You can extend your appliance’s life through regular cleaning and maintenance. Here are 4 tips to help you do it properly. […]

Dental Hygienist – Your Partner in Preventing Disease and Maintaining Oral Health

Keeping up your dental hygiene with daily brushing and flossing is essential to preventing disease and maintaining good oral health. But that doesn’t mean it’s all on your shoulders — the fact is, you have a strong partner in your dental hygienist. This valuable member of our staff provides a number of different functions that add a boost to your hygiene habits. Perhaps the most important of those functions is semi-annual teeth cleanings. While daily […]

Top 5 Tips for Good Oral Hygiene

It’s a recognized goal of modern dentistry to help you keep your natural teeth clean and disease-free, so you’ll be able to enjoy them for your whole life. But dentists can’t accomplish that goal by ourselves — we need your help! Maintaining good oral hygiene is the best way to ensure that your smile stays as healthy as it should be. Here are a few simple tips that can make a big difference in your […]

TLC for Your Toothbrush

Your toothbrush serves the invaluable purpose of minimizing bacterial buildup (plaque) that can irritate gums and lead to periodontal disease, infection of the bone and tissues supporting your teeth. Brushing also helps dislodge food particles that certain oral bacteria would otherwise feed on, producing acids in the process that can eat through protective tooth enamel and the vulnerable dentin below. Given its importance to your oral health, you can maximize your toothbrush’s effectiveness by using […]
