Category: sealants

Research Confirms: Dental Sealants Really Work!

Have you heard about dental sealants? These preventive treatments have been available for many decades, and more and more children are taking advantage of them. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) estimates that around 30% of kids from 6 to 11 years of age have had sealants applied to their molars (back teeth). Sealants are designed to reduce the incidence of cavities by filling in or eliminating the pits or crevices found in all molars, […]

Sealants and Protecting your Child from Cavities

As a parent, hearing that your child has a cavity is almost worse than hearing that you have a cavity. You wonder if the cavity is your fault — did you fail to teach your child proper oral hygiene? Should you have spent more time teaching him how to brush? Well, luckily, there are several ways, in addition to diligent oral hygiene, to protect your children’s teeth from decay. When your children are young, the […]
