Category: bad breath

Proper Cleaning Techniques can Help you Control Chronic Bad Breath

We all experience the occasional bout of bad breath from dry mouth or after eating certain foods. Chronic halitosis, on the other hand, could have an underlying health cause like periodontal (gum) disease, sinus infections or even systemic illnesses like diabetes. Anyone with persistent halitosis should undergo a thorough examination to determine the root cause. If such an examination rules out a more serious cause, it’s then possible the particular population of bacteria that inhabit […]

Removing Bacterial Coating With a Tongue Scraper can Reduce Bad Breath

Although usually not considered a serious health condition, bad breath is nonetheless one of the most embarrassing conditions related to the mouth. Although some serious systemic diseases may result in mouth odor, most cases originate in the mouth or nose. Bacteria are usually the culprit — certain types of the organism can excrete volatile sulphur compounds, which emit a rotten egg or rotten fish smell. The largest breeding ground for bacteria is the tongue, typically […]
