Category: tooth decay

4 Foods That May Help You Prevent Tooth Decay

What you eat (and how often you eat it) is a major factor in the ongoing battle to prevent tooth decay. High levels of sugar or similar carbohydrates in your diet could encourage the growth of bacteria that cause tooth decay. Constantly sipping on acidic beverages like sodas or sports drinks can lead to enamel erosion. You may be well aware of the kinds of foods that contribute to tooth decay. But did you know […]

Four Tips for Preventing Premature Loss of Baby Teeth From Tooth Decay

Most often, all of your child’s primary teeth will eventually be replaced by permanent teeth, but you shouldn’t consider them less important — there are serious consequences for losing a primary tooth prematurely. Besides providing a means for a child to chew food and speak clearly, primary teeth also save space for the permanent teeth to erupt; a premature loss could lead to malocclusions (bad bites) that may result in costly orthodontic treatment later. That’s […]

Preventing Early Childhood Cavities

When do you think is the earliest age that tooth decay can start? Would you be surprised to learn that the answer is… just two months! In spite of our best efforts, throughout the world tooth decay remains the most common chronic disease of childhood. And the unfortunate truth is, it’s largely preventable. Tooth decay is caused by harmful bacteria living in the mouth. These bacteria produce acids as a byproduct of feeding on the […]

Giuliana and Bill Rancic Talk Tooth Decay

For some kids, having a cavity or two is just part of growing up. Not for Giuliana Rancic. When she was a child, the TV personality didn’t have a single cavity — and she still doesn’t. But for her husband Bill, co-star of the Style Network reality show Giuliana and Bill, it was a different story. A cavity-prone kid, he was never certain what a visit to the dentist might hold in store. “I can […]

“Tooth Fairy” Brady Reiter Works Her Magic for Children’s Oral Health Charity

Did you know that severe tooth decay is America’s #1 chronic childhood disease? Actress Brady Reiter didn’t know either — until she became the star of the movie Tooth Fairy 2, and then joined forces with the National Children’s Oral Health Foundation: America’s ToothFairy®. “Before, I didn’t even realize what can happen to kids if they don’t take care of their teeth,” 11-year-old Brady recently told Dear Doctor magazine, after viewing photos of children suffering […]
